Courteney Cox photos by eddie lindsey

Courteney Cox & David Arquette Getting Back Together??

Courteney Cox & David Arquette

Courteney Cox and David Arquette made an appearance at a Scream 4 press conference on Wednesday and sources say they were obviously affectionate towards one another. Then Courteney did an interview with Access Hollywood and had nothing but nice things to say about Arquette.

“[We] wouldn’t have had [our daughter] Coco [and] David wouldn’t be looking as cute as he does right now after those years,” Courtney told Maria on Wednesday, of what would have been lost had she or David passed on their roles in 1996’s original “Scream.” “Now [David] looks the best he’s ever looked — he’s doing great. He’s just awesome…he does look great.

“He looks really, really cute,” Courteney continued to rave. “And he’s so stylish! Where is he?”

I hope they do get back together, Arquette seems to be working really hard on getting better and they seem to be happy when things are working for them. Plus they have one adorable little girl, Coco.

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